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STUDiO kuuのロゴ

​Near by Nakano Sakaue Station Small group room temperature yoga Pilates studio

Yoga & Pilates 
STUDiO kuu

​新しくなった中野区役所 1階のイベントスペース「シェアノマ」で

















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​About us

About us

We are located just a short walk from Nakano Sakaue Station.

 With a yoga school and Ayurveda salon attached.

This is a room temperature & small group yoga studio.

We support the health and well-being of our customers through yoga, so that everyone can participate in classes with peace of mind, regardless of their physical condition, such as those with stiff bodies, those new to yoga, men, maternity, postpartum, etc. We are happy to do so.

Our studio is a homely and relaxing peace place where you can feel like you've come to a friend's house.


In our lessons, We value communication with each student. This studio is recommended for those who want to have a closer look, talk to the instructor, ask questions, connect with others who practice yoga. Beginners also welcome.

All the instructors and staff are looking forward to do yoga together.




​Yin Yoga

It is a quiet yoga that uses the theory of five elements and meridians to stay in one pose for several minutes to nourish the mind and body. Stay in one pose for a few minutes to introspect the changes in your body and mind. When the tightly bound threads are loosened, the circulation of the body improves. Sometimes physical discomfort comes from the heart. A quiet yoga that nourishes the mind and body. Thursday 19:30-20:00 IR Junko ◼︎Recommended for these people ・I want to take a quiet look inside. ・I want to create space in my mind and body. ・Relief of physical and mental disorders and stress reduction ・I want to relax in silence

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​Re balance yoga

This is a yoga that balances the body through stretching and yoga poses and alleviates minor troubles. Our bodies are always prone to imbalance, and distortion can occur in anyone. Stiff shoulders and lower back pain may be caused by an imbalance in your body. This yoga helps you learn about habits and imbalances in your daily life that you are not aware of, and helps you balance them and alleviate minor troubles. [Thursday 18:00-19:00] IR Junko ◼︎Recommended for these people ・I want to get benefits even from gentle yoga with a low amount of exercise. ・I want to alleviate minor body problems ・I want to balance my mind and body ・I want to know about custom of my body and mind.


​ Postpartum yoga with baby

This is a postpartum recovery yoga class that you can participate in with your baby. We use yoga to help restore muscle strength after childbirth, stiff shoulders, back pain, etc. to refresh your body and mind. We will also include poses with the baby and change the content accordingly. 【subject】 Baby and mom from 9 weeks postpartum until around 1 year old ・Those who are doing well after giving birth and have been given permission to exercise by their doctor ・until your baby get good at footrest. ・You cannot participate within 24 hours after vaccination. ・Both the baby and the mother must be free of infectious, viral, or epidemic diseases, or have been instructed not to go out. [WED 12:30-13:30] IR CHIHIRO Click here for other Q&A.

maternity yoga/Prenatal yoga

PrenatalYoga/Maternity yoga

This is a lesson that pregnant women who has stable health condition after16 weeks of pregnancy. It's okay to try yoga for the first time. We will take relaxing poses to alleviate minor problems such as stiff shoulders, back pain, and fatigue due to insomnia in preparation for childbirth. During this period when muscles tend to weaken due to lack of exercise, prenatal yoga may help delivery and postpartum recovery. Many midwives have mentioned that those who practice yoga breathe better during childbirth ♡ Practice breathing techniqu , releasing muscle tension, bring awarenes to your pelvis and baby.and being aware of your baby and body condition. You will prepare for birth by practicing paying attention to your body and your baby. Prepare your mind and body for childbirth during pregnancy 【subject】 This class is for pregnant women who have been cleared by their doctor to exercise after 16 weeks of pregnancy. [Wed] 14:00-15:00 IR CHIHIRO 【I recommend this lesson for】 - Concerned about muscle weakness during pregnancy ・have stiff shoulders or lower back pain ・Anxiety about pregnancy and childbirth. ・feel like circulation is not good. ・Iwant to prepare for childbirth by practicing breathing and pelvic floor muscles. Click here for frequently asked questions and other Q&A.

Pregnant Woman Practicing

Pilates ​Beginner

This is a Pilates lesson that even beginners can participate in with confidence. By moving with your breathing, you will balance your body. [Tue] 18:00-19:00 IR rika 【I recommend this hotel】 ・Those who exercise after a long time ・Those who are concerned about their posture ・Those who suffer from lower back pain and stiff shoulders ・Those who want to refresh

Pregnant Woman Practicing

Pilates advanced

This lesson is for those who want to move a lot or want a little challenge. Aim to build a strong core and improve your physical strength. [Tue] 19:15-20:15 rika 【I recommend this hotel】 ・Those who want to gain physical strength ・Those who want to strengthen their core ・Those who want to add another load to their regular training ・Those who want to get in shape

Autonomic nerve yoga

​Autonomic nerve adjustment yoga

This yoga aims to relieve tension caused by hunched back around the neck and shoulders and adjust the autonomic nervous system. We will focus on basic poses and move them to match your breathing. The second half includes poses that train the backs of your thighs, buttocks, etc. to develop the muscle strength you need to stay healthy and comfortable. We will adjust the strength of the pose each time to suit your condition. Please feel free to join us even if you are physically fit or are a beginner. Relax your daily habits of body and mind, relax your tension, and return your mind and body to a neutral position. Enjoy your daily life more comfortably and maintain your health. 【I recommend this hotel】 ・I have stiff shoulders and headaches ・Irritability, anxiety ・My body feels tired and I can't sleep ・I want to adjust my autonomic nervous system ・I tend to get nervous and don't have time to relax -Always thinking about something in your head ・Those who tend to have shallow breathing 【instructor】 CHIHIRO


​Weekend relaxing yoga

This is a lesson where you can relax your body after working hard all week. ◼︎ Friday ◼︎ 18:30-19:30 ◼︎IR yukako ◼︎Contents This is a class to relax your tired body from weekdays and reset your body for the holidays. ◼︎Recommended for these people ・Those with stiff shoulders ・People who lack exercise ・Those with chronic fatigue ・Those who do not have time to move on weekdays


​Weekend fat burning yoga

This is a class that will make you sweat with yoga poses that especially require your core for poses. ◼︎Friday ◼︎19:45-20:45 ◼︎IR yukako ◼︎Contents Aims to eliminate accumulated toxins. ◼︎Recommended for these people ・Those who want to move with flow ・Those who want to feel refreshed by sweating ・Those who lack exercise ・Those who want to train their core




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ご要望や体調をお聞きしながら、かんたんなポーズ、ストレッチを取り入れ、ポーズと共に呼吸を深めていきます。ストレッチヨガを習慣化して頂く事で老廃物を溜め込まないすっきりとした身体、穏やかなマインドへと整えていきます。 ヨガ未経験の方から、運動やヨガを習慣化されている方まで、どなたでもご参加頂けるクラスです。 ■こんな方におすすめ ・夜の眠りが浅い ・ストレスを感じる事が多い ・疲労感が抜けない ・身体が浮腫みやすい ・身体がかたい ・免疫力を高めたい



身体をほぐし温めてから、声の誘導とともに、瞑想していきます。瞑想後は身心ともにスッキリとした深いリラクゼーションがえられます。 常に声の誘導があるため、瞑想が初めての方もそうでない方も、楽しんでいただける内容です。 ■こんな方におすすめ ・瞑想が初めて ・瞑想に興味がある ・エネルギーチャージしたい方 ・自分自身と向き合う時間が欲しい方 ・日々頑張りすぎてしまう方 ・癒しを求めている方 ・自分に寄り添い優しくしたい方 ・今週も頑張って乗り切るための月曜日を過ごしたい方






陰ヨガとヨガニドラ 眠りにつくためにご自宅からオンラインでレッスンします。 身体の緊張をほぐし、ヨガニドラのガイドで深いリラクゼーションと睡眠を。





one coin yoga

This is an online trial lesson by current students and graduates of the adjacent yoga school. This is a lesson that will satisfy even beginners and people with stiff bodies. The price is easy to join, so we recommend it to those who want to experience atmosphere of our studio, or who want to try what its like a room-temperature yoga studio for the first time! Of course, male student can also participate. It's held irregularly, so you'll be lucky if you can participate!

easy yoga

​Easy yoga

This is a lesson where you move your body within a comfortable range through breathing. While doing introspection, breathing techniques, and basic asanas, the body adjusts the pelvis and strengthens the core. You control your mind and do things that lead you to a well-organized state. [Wednesday 16:30-17:30] [Sat 9:00-10:00] IR MAI ◼︎Recommended for these people ・Beginner to yoga ・People with stiff bodies ・People who want to relax ・People who want to continue without difficulty


​English yoga

This class will be led in English. 【Recommendation for this class】 ・want to take english yoga class in tokyo. ・welcome first time to try yoga. ​・want to join the community, connect with people by yoga. ・want to practice basic yoga poses, meditation and pranayama. ・want to calm your mind and body. 【After you take this lesson】 ・more energizes and build stamina ・more refresh and relax ・calm mind and less anxiety ・make friends connect with yoga ​・breath easily and deeper ・your body and mind are more flexible 【Feature of this studio】 Our studio is located a few minutes away from Marunouchi line and Toei Oedo line Nakanosakaue station where is 2 or 3 stops away from Shinjuku station by train. Small and Cozy, semi-private like studio in room temperature. STUDiO kuu has an adjoining registered yoga school RUC YOGA ACADEMY where people learn how to teach yoga. (RYS200&RYS300&RPYT) Yoga mat, belt and the other props for this lesson are included. Please bring your own yoga towl.(which we place on the mat for sanitary reason) You can also rent a towel (100yen) Just bring your comfortable clothes and any drink for hydration. (Bottled water are also available.)

​Instructor introduction




​ Junko

Thanks to yoga, I am enjoying my 50s without worrying about menopause or frozen shoulders. I would like to enjoy yoga with everyone as it supports both mind and body in life. [Favorite asana] Parivrittatriconasana Sleeping Dragon [Lesson in charge] re balance yoga, yin yoga [Qualifications held] Yoga Alliance E-RYT500®︎, RPYT®︎, RCYT®︎, YACEP®︎ Completed Yin Yoga TTC, Ayurveda TTC, Yoga Nidra TTC JoeBanett yinyogaRYT200 completed mental psychology counselor


Pilates insructor



Balance your body and create a healthy body and mind. [Favorite event] one hundred [Lesson in charge] Beginner Pilates Intermediate pilates advanced pilates [Qualifications held] ・Comprehensive instructor qualification ・NPO preventive medicine therapy yoga instructor ・JCCA Basic Instructor

IR yukako profile photo

​Yoga Instructor


He is active as an actor mainly on stage and as classical ballet, musicals, straight plays, sword fighting festivals, etc. Around the age of 30, my physical and mental health deteriorated, and when I was in a slump, I was invited by the teacher of the class, so I became an instructor. We offer group lessons, personal lessons, and online lessons mainly in Tokyo. [Qualifications held] FTP: Basic Mat Pilates ballet sole synthesis instructor While I was closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, I met RUC Yoga Academy and obtained my RYT200. We will perform poses that are comfortable for the mind and body, incorporating anatomy and yoga. Improve your posture and health while maintaining the balance of your body and mind.


​Yoga Instructor


In the past, when I encountered an event that marked a crossroads in my life, my mind and body fell into disrepair. At that time, I started learning yoga, and it became a turning point that changed not only my mental and physical health, but also my way of life. Until now, by continuing to practice yoga, I have been able to improve my mental and physical health, and I have achieved a positive transformation with a lively expression. I have seen many people. When I see people like that, I always feel, '' This is who we really are.'' We aim for a healthy mind, body, and spirit through the tool of yoga, which we can recommend with confidence. ▪️Favorite asana half pigeon down dock Mandarasana mudra (red seal, hand pose) ▪️Certification: Yoga Alliance RYT500 Completed mental health care yoga instructor training course Completed mental balance yoga instructor training course Completed Prana Flow Yoga Instructor Training Course Completed yoga nidra instructor training course


​Yoga Instructor


I am a yoga instructor while raising two girls. I became attracted to yoga, which helps relieve stress in my busy daily life and gives my body a sense of health and well-being, so I got certified after becoming a housewife. From my own experience, I would like to tell everyone that even if your body is stiff or you don't like exercise, you can notice changes in your body through yoga. ◼︎Favorite asana Tadasana sun salutation ◼︎Qualifications held RYT200


Pilates insructor



Balance your body and create a healthy body and mind. [Favorite event] one hundred [Lesson in charge] Beginner Pilates Intermediate pilates advanced pilates [Qualifications held] ・Comprehensive instructor qualification ・NPO preventive medicine therapy yoga instructor ・JCCA Basic Instructor


Yoga Instructor


I started taking yoga classes when I was in middle school. Yoga has become a part of me and continues to this day. In our fast-paced and hectic days, we want more people to feel comfortable with yoga, ``I want it to become a part of your life, not something special,'' and ``I want you to feel relieved and at ease.'' ``I want to convey healing experiences'' and ``I want to make time to connect with my mind and body.'' These are the thoughts that led me to become a yoga instructor. Would you like to spend some peaceful and gentle time together? Would you like to breathe in the delicious air together? I’m really looking forward to the day I can meet you all ( ◠‿◠ )♫ ◾️Favorite asana Parivritta Janu Sirsasana Savasana ◾️Qualifications held RYT200®︎ Yoga Nidra TT


Yoga Instructor


I started taking yoga classes when I was in middle school. Yoga has become a part of me and continues to this day. In our fast-paced and hectic days, we want more people to feel comfortable with yoga, ``I want it to become a part of your life, not something special,'' and ``I want you to feel relieved and at ease.'' ``I want to convey healing experiences'' and ``I want to make time to connect with my mind and body.'' These are the thoughts that led me to become a yoga instructor. Would you like to spend some peaceful and gentle time together? Would you like to breathe in the delicious air together? I’m really looking forward to the day I can meet you all ( ◠‿◠ )♫ ◾️Favorite asana Parivritta Janu Sirsasana Savasana ◾️Qualifications held RYT200®︎ Yoga Nidra TT


​RUC Yoga Academy

​For those who want to learn more deeply about yoga

Ayurveda salon tulsi

ayurveda salon tulsi logo

​For those who want to receive treatment


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